Two Dogs and a Leash

girlsI have two precious dogs that I walk daily.  One is 7 and one is 13 years old.  The 7-year old, Jazz, is a shih tzu with a very laid back, easy-going personality.  The older dog, Whitney, is a maltese and is the alpha dog.  She barks frequently and seems to run things while Jazz just submits and goes along with everything.  I have a “Y” leash with a splitter on it – so I hold 1 leash in my hand and the splitter provides two smaller leashes – one for each dog.  Each day when we finish our walks, I lean down to disconnect their leashes.  An interesting thing happens. I love both dogs the same and they are connected to the same “Y” leash, but their experience of my love is very different.  Jazz instinctively comes to me so I can take her leash off.  But Whitney always pulls away.  When I disconnect her leash, it pulls her neck because she is pulling away so hard.  So, although I love both dogs tremendously and equally, their experience of my love is very different due to their attitudes, history, and perspectives.  How do our attitudes, history, circumstances, and emotions affect our experience of God’s love today?  He loves all of His children the same, but every person experiences His love differently.  You would think that Whitney would have a much more positive experience since I have had her and loved her longer.  But that isn’t necessarily the case.  God’s love for us isn’t different based on how long we have known Him.  Often we may feel that God is distant, doesn’t love us, or is silent.  The truth is that God is the same always and doesn’t change.  We need to look at the other end of the leash.