A Letter from God: About Your Idol…

freedomI pray that this ministers to you wherever you are today.  Whatever your struggle or idol – put it in the place of food and receive this letter from God.

I woke up at 1am this morning.  At 2:15, God said “do you want to do this now?”. I said “yes” and got up and grabbed my journal. You see, I have been crying out for him to bring freedom in this particular area.  He wrote to me:

My Dear Beloved Hope,
You are so precious to me!  My love for you is relentless, unending, and has no limit, boundary, breaking point, or borders. There is nothing that can separate you from my love, change the love I have for you, or keep me from pouring out my love on you.

I know everything about your idol of food and I want to free you more than you want to be free. I see your bondage. You don’t give up easy – the idol or your longing for me to heal and free you. You find comfort and reward in food but it never satisfies – it only leaves you longing for more. I am greater and more powerful than your idol and I am going to free you. I am the ONLY one who can fill you and satisfy you. You must run to me and cling to me to find freedom. The food will always call you, but so will I. Run to me! Pray to me before you eat anything. If you want to eat something that doesn’t honor me, tell me that – bow and wait in my presence. I will meet you, speak to you, and empower you. Your will power will never be enough. My grace is sufficient for you and will be all you need each time you come and cry out to me.

“Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs; but I, with shouts of joyful praise, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed, I will make good. I will proclaim – salvation comes from the Lord.” – Jonah 2:8-10

Food is a worthless idol. I want you to choose me and not forfeit my grace. Every time you need to eat, my grace will be there and will be all that you need. The more you come to me, the more I can fill you and change your desires so you are drawn to those foods that are healthy for you and that allow you to honor me with your body. I am here to heal you and free you – one moment and one meal at a time. Though this idol seems so powerful, I am always greater and I will heal you and free you. Just run to my voice when the idol calls. You have a choice each time.

Your body is not your own. It belongs to me. I have only entrusted it to you while you are on this earth. I long to redeem your body – starting right now and right where you are. Just surrender to me. Food is an idol, a broken cistern that holds no water, no satisfaction.

1. Bow
2. Worship

It is the broken, the desperate, the needy, the devastated, and the ruined, who make this their cry who receive power! I WILL MEET YOU!!

Your lust for gratifying your flesh with food is PRIDE – it says “I can meet my own needs and satisfy myself apart from God.” I created you so ONLY I can satisfy you, quench your thirst, and satisfy your needs. Your striving to satisfy yourself is all in vain. No matter what worthless idol you run to, it will NEVER be enough.

Satisfying you is my role and I am the only one who can do this. Run to me! You always have a choice! I am your redeemer, your healer, your bridegroom, and the lover of your soul! I long for you to experience me satisfying your soul. I am enough for you and all that you need. Surrender to me, lay down your pride, and run into my arms.

In this place that food has held in your heart, I want to fill you with FIRE and PASSION for me!  I want to flood your soul with ME. I will use your scars, your brokenness, your weakness to bring healing and freedom to others. I have such great things and so much more healing in store for you.  I will NEVER leave you alone.  I carry you in my arms. I will comfort you, fill you, and satisfy you like only I can.

Your redeemer and healer,
Your beloved ABBA!

One thought on “A Letter from God: About Your Idol…

  1. Oh Hope, it did minister to me. I’ve Struggled with food as my idol for many many years. I understand exactly where you’re coming from. What I understand even more are the words that God spoke to you and how much He loves you.
    Thank you for sharing this personal letter from God to minister to others.


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