What Does it Mean to Bow, to be Laid Waste by One Holy Passion?

I was watching the movie “The Avengers” for the first time several weeks ago with some friends.  I am very movie illiterate and hadn’t seen hardly any of the super hero movies.  I was struck by one phrase in the movie – when the nemesis comes out before a massive crowd of people and commands them to bow to him.  He proclaims “YOU WERE MADE TO BOW!”  I have been thinking about that ever since and how each of us on this earth was made by our Creator to bow to Him alone!  Our purpose is to bow and to worship Him!  It is not to worship the created or any other person or object that exists.  We exist because of Jesus and to worship Him alone.  It is all for His glory!

I now confess these “will” statements throughout each day:

  1. I will bow my knee
  2. I will worship
  3. I will cry “My only hope is You, Jesus”

I now pray daily to be “laid waste” by a passion for Jesus and His glory!  I wanted to know the definition for “laid waste” and “to bow” and this is what I found:

To bow = to cease from resistance or competition; to yield; to surrender; to suffer defeat; to bend the head, body, or knee in submission and reverence.
To be laid waste = to ruin, to devastate, to overwhelm, to wreck.

to bow 1

I want to be “laid waste” – to be ruined, devastated, overwhelmed, wrecked by His love for me today and every day that remains that He blesses me with on this earth!  My daily cry is for Passion and Fire – One Holy Passion for Him alone!!!

I was awakened at 4:30am this morning with the lyrics of this song (“I Bow My Knee”) resonating within my spirit:

“I bow my knee before Your throne, I know my life is not my own;
I offer up this sacrifice to bring You pleasure Lord!
I seek the Giver, not the gift, my heart’s desire is to lift You high
above all earthly kings, to bring You pleasure Lord!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to the King!”

To whom or to what do you bow to today? There are so many idols that we chase after and bow to.  I will elaborate more on this in an upcoming post.  May we know and live the purpose for which we were created!  May we be “laid waste” by one holy passion today!